Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Panelists": Not the Death of this Blog

I'm not intending to retire the Satisfactory Comics blog, which will still be our best forum for random doodles, dopey ruminations, and elaborate puns. And, you know, comics, when we draw some more. But let me also direct your attention to the group blog I have joined at (that's short for The Comics Journal dot com): The Panelists.

This is sort of a big deal: I'm joining the guys from Thought Balloonists, Guttergeek, and Madinkbeard to form a sort of Voltron of comics criticism. I think it will be awesome.

My first post, a "one-panel critic" mini-essay about a turning point in Ghost World, is up now.

We're also running a contest (with a real prize) that involves identifying the images in our masthead / logo. Here's a hint: if you've seen the only piece of original comics art that I own, then you will be able to identify the image I contributed. Pop over and take a look at the logo, read our first week's posts, and join the discussion!