Sunday, March 2, 2008

Elfworld Title: And the Winner Is...

Way back on December 9, 2007, I announced a contest to name our work-in-progress, this story about a magician's apprentice who runs into trouble over a cartographic commission. We didn't exactly receive a flood of submissions, but we did get several great suggestions from two of our faithful readers, Shira and Adam, and I pledged a couple of prizes for whoever provided the winning suggestion.

Unfortunately for Shira and Adam, I also warned them that we might end up using one of our own titles after all, and that's what we've opted for in the end. Ladies and gentlemen, a little over six months after we started this story (!), I present its title:

By now Isaac will have dropped that graphic into the appropriate space he left blank on the top left of page 1, thereby completing the line art and lettering for our postcard-format publication of this story. (The postcards still need to be colored, but that's another task for another day.)

Now: even though we have turned down the title suggestions of Shira and Adam, I'm so grateful to them for their active participation in this collaborative comic that I'm going to honor those pledges for prizes after all. So if you're still reading after all this time, let me know if you'd rather have an ultra-rare copy of Tales from the Classroom or your own commissioned artwork from the world of "Stepan Crick and the Chart of the Possible."

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