Sunday, June 14, 2009

Doodle Penance: "what do you think of center for cartoon studies"

As it happens, this week's "Doodle Penance" term is just as appropriate to the events of the week as last week's was. (I promise that I'm not making these up. But I do get to choose from more than a hundred search terms each week, so it's not hard to find something that seems like it'll work.)

As I mentioned in my last post, Mike and I met up on Friday in White River Junction, the home of the Center for Cartoon Studies, and Mike got his first tour of the Schulz Library,* the Colodny Building, and the other facilities of the school. (Thanks again to Robyn Chapman for showing us around!)

And, as it turns out, this week someone came to our blog in a search for "what do you think of center for cartoon studies."

Mike had a really amazing experience in the Schulz Library, which I hope he's planning to blog about when he gets home from vacation. (He took pictures of a rare illustrated book, and I'm going to say no more about that now, except to note that its title is an anagram for the blog.)

Anyway, he was impressed, all around. Mike's reaction to the school can be summed up thus:

(Click to enlarge and read.)

If you haven't read Hicksville, to which Mike is alluding here, it's not too hard to find a used copy, and I hear that Drawn & Quarterly is bringing it back into print (with a gorgeous new cover) next year.

Here's my response to the same Google prompt. (The coloring is a little haphazard, but I was in a hurry this morning.)

If you don't know why I'm being interviewed with a robot, a snowman, and a piece of fruit, then clearly you've never applied to be a student at CCS.

(Thanks in advance to Minty Lewis for not complaining when I totally poached her pineapple.)

*If you're interested, here's a video tour of the Schulz Library, recently uploaded by Chuck McBuck:

At about 2:19 you can see (in the center of the frame) a boxed collection of Tales from the Crypt that I donated to the library, and toward the end of the tour I can see (from the position of Jon Chad's Shortstack and the missing rubber band on Bizarre Love Triangle) that this tour as filmed after Mike and I were there on Friday.

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