Monday, November 30, 2009

Hand Turkeys of the Marvel Universe (Old-School)

I had a dorky notion some time earlier this week. It occurred to me that several comic-book characters would have a hard time drawing the traditional "hand turkey"—you know, where you trace the outline of your paw and draw a beak onto the thumb part of the outline. Some folks' mitts have decidedly non-meleagrine silhouettes.

Having thunk this nerdous thought, I could apparently only exorcise it by drawing (and hamfistedly coloring) a select few "Odd Hand Turkeys of the Marvel Universe." See if you can identify all six.

Dang it! I forgot to draw a hand turkey for Ulysses Klaw! Well, maybe I'll save him for next November. Can you think of anyone else I've forgotten?


  1. This is hysterical! I'm at a loss for #6, though. How's about just a black charred handprint for Johnny Storm?

  2. A hint for #6: whose hand could actually be precisely the shape of a turkey? It's a green person, dressed in purple, not vice versa.

  3. Them Skrulls are behind everything! I should have known from the color scheme.

  4. I was actually thinking of the Impossible Man. But Skrulls are a possibility. In fact, maybe the Impossible Man was killed and replaced with a Skrull impostor, and that's who drew that hand turkey.

  5. #6: HULK DRAW.

    #1: Blue-eyed Ben, I think, but the hand is too non-rocky.
    #2: I'm suspecting it's Der Nachtcrawler, but I'm unsure of the background colors. Are they supposed to represent the flag of Kurt Wagner's native land?
    #5: Obvious hand turkey is obvious, bub.

    Others: I'm not too sure. I think #3 is Doc-Oc.

  6. B.: These are supposed to be outlines, not drawings by the characters. That's why there are no rocks in The Thing's hand turkey. (And I already gave away the answer to #6, in the comments.)

    #3 is indeed the end of one of Doc Ock's tentacles, and #4 is exceedingly old-school. (It's from the original costume of a character who has radically changed costumes at least twice since the '60s.)

  7. Is number four Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)?

  8. Nevermind. Nightcrawler debuted in '75.

  9. Oddly enough, I drew about 40 or so handprints of the marvel universe for one of the boardrooms at Marvel in the 90's. Sort of the same idea as here, the idea was the prints were cast in stone, like the Hollywood walk of fame. It was pretty good money, I think i might've gotten $40 a piece. I remember being flummoxed by the Abomination, I couldn't remember how many fingers he had, 3 , 4 or 5? Fin Fang Foom, Ant-man was fun, the Wasp, The Thing, Hulk, Nightcrawler, Beetle, Iron Man, etc.I don't know where they've wound up, I might even have had a few of them at one point or another, but I moved too many times to keep something like that.

  10. Ah, I should have done Marinna, too. Doesn't she have webbed fingers?
