Monday, January 25, 2010

Doodle Penance: "what does it mean to doodle balloons"

This week's "Doodle Penance" comes from someone who punched the question "What does it mean to doodle balloons?" into a search engine. Maybe it wasn't Google. I don't keep track.

Mike and I may seem to reveal something about our habits of thought when we answer this question. My thoughts went like this: Well, I haven't doodled balloons, so let me try it out. Perhaps the meaning will be revealed to me in the process. And so, during a lecture I attended this evening, I drew balloons instead of my usual pile of robots, kachinas, and puny hulks.

After twenty of thirty of these, I realized what I was drawing. Here's a somewhat scale-corrected version of the mini-doodle at the bottom of that image:

Maybe that's no big revelation, but I hadn't thought of it before.

Mike, meanwhile, resorted not to experimental methods but to literary analysis. Better click it so you can read it:

I believe he takes the palm this time around. I'm always pleased when Mike's doodle comes with doggerel.

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