Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Have We Been Reading? #2

Here's a swiped panel from one of the things that helped me pass the time this week while I was recovering from the extraction of my wisdom teeth.

So, what do you think, fair blog-readers? Can you identify the text I'm quoting?

(If not, don't fret: I'll have a longer review and consideration up on the blog in a few days eventually.)


  1. Well, I know whose work it is, but I'm not sure which work. And anyway, this is for our "readers," and I don't think I count...

  2. I hope those teeth didn't give you too much trouble. I was pretty loopy for a while after I got mine out for sure.

    That image looks like Jason Shiga, maybe? But, like Mike, I can't pin down the particular work (if that's even a correct guess about the artist).

  3. The teeth are getting better, Ben—thanks for your good wishes. I really wish I'd been feeling up to a road trip yesterday, but the painkillers said it wasn't to be.

    As for your guess: okay, that's Jason Shiga.

    Let the fact that it's in color be a hint.

  4. To start: Get better, Isaac.

    To continue: It's definitely not Bookhunter or Fleep (I say because I have and have read both multiple times.)

    To guess: I'm gonna guess it's something from Meanwhile: Pick Any Path. 3,856 Story Possibilities. which, apparently, just came out in February and will now be added to my MoCCA purchasing list.

  5. That's a good guess, John!

    I'll have to figure out what an appropriate WHWBR No-Prize looks like.

    Perhaps after you read the review I'll write next week, you'll want to buy Meanwhile before MoCCA. I'm sure we'll put an Amazon referral link into the post...
