Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One More Run at the 3-D Cosmic Whale

As I mumbled and mulled this morning, it occurred to me that there's no reason my red-green 3-D image of the four-dimensional space whale would necessarily need to start from a grayscale version of the image. If I stripped all the magenta from one side and all the cyan from another, I'd still have some vestiges of "true" color, right?

Don your 3-D glasses. Click and enlarge.

I'm not sure how successful it turns out to be, but the background planets do seem to be different colors in that version.

And now I think I can lay this experiment to rest.


  1. i like your 3d picture its actually
    kinda cool.

    written by a 6 year old
    named az.

  2. I was looking at the second one yesterday. This new one is even better!

  3. I'm glad you like it, Az (and Lupi)! I'm really happy with the way this drawing turned out. I should try to imitate Jack Kirby more often!

  4. i made a paint it black
    but my mom didn't post
    it yet

    az im 6.
