Last Sunday, Tom Spurgeon ran an article on his
Comics Reporter website featuring his list of "the fifty things that every comics collection truly needs." It's an interesting list, with lots of illustrations and numerous suggestions and sub-suggestions within broad categories. I recommend
checking it out here.
He also posted a suggestion from one
Stephen Frug on how to play along with his list by sharing what your collection already includes. Tom Spurgeon has tweaked Frug's helpful visual shortcuts to yield the following code:
Leave Plain = Things I don't have
Make Bold = Things I do have
Italics = I have some but probably not enough
Underline = I don't agree I need this
This seems easy enough to play along with, so here's my list as of today. Isaac, if you are so inclined, it would be interesting to see your list, too. Anyway, my list, with occasional notes:
Something From The ACME Novelty Library2.
A Complete Run Of Arcade (I have most, but not all)
Any Number Of Mini-Comics4.
At Least One Pogo Book From The 1950s5. A Barnaby Collection (I don't own any myself, but I know where there's a copy at my wife’s parents' house)
Binky Brown and the Holy Virgin Mary7. As Many Issues of RAW as You Can Place Your Hands On (alas, I passed on my one chance as a youth to buy a remaindered copy of
Read Yourself Raw)
A Little Stack of Archie Comics (sorry, my only interest in Archie is when
the ISB brings it up)
A Suite of Modern Literary Graphic Novels10.
Several Tintin Albums11.
A Smattering Of Treasury Editions Or Similarly Oversized Books12.
Several Significant Runs of Alternative Comic Book Series13.
A Few Early Comic Strip Collections To Your Taste14.
Several "Indy Comics" From Their Heyday15.
At Least One Comic Book From When You First Started Reading Comic Books (Sad to say, I actually read the "Anatomy Lesson" issue of
Swamp Thing from the spinner rack at an Eckerd Drugs when I was a kid--and I put it back, unpurchased, but fully read. That story haunted me like no other comic story I had ever read. A few years later, as
Watchmen rolled out, I realized what I had let slip through my fingers. Ah, well; at least I still have my copy of
Marvel Tails starring Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham!)
At Least One Comic That Failed to Finish The Way It Planned To (If Eddie Campbell's
Egomania counts, then I got one, at least)
Some Osamu Tezuka18.
The Entire Run Of At Least One Manga Series (
Lone Wolf and Cub; Mai the Psychic Girl; Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind: all outstanding)
19. One Or Two 1970s Doonesbury Collections (again, the in-laws have some)
At Least One Saul Steinberg Hardcover21.
One Run of A Comic Strip That You Yourself Have Clipped (Art Spiegelman's
In the Shadow of No Towers, from its original run in the
22. A Selection of Comics That Interest You That You Can't Explain To Anyone Else (it's my job to figure out how to explain what I find interesting, so I am having real trouble thinking of a suitable comic to fit this category)
At Least One Woodcut Novel24.
As Much Peanuts As You Can Stand25.
Maus26. A Significant Sample of R. Crumb's Sketchbooks
27. The original edition of
Sick, Sick, Sick (my in-laws probably have this one, as well)
The Smithsonian Collection Of Newspaper Comics (possibly the single best present I ever received as a child; thanks, Uncle Bill!)
Several copies of MAD30.
A stack of Jack Kirby 1970s Comic Books (in collected editions, at least)
More than a few Stan Lee/Jack Kirby 1960s Marvel Comic Books (ditto)
32. A You're-Too-High-To-Tell Amount of Underground Comix
Some Calvin and Hobbes34.
Some Love and Rockets35.
The Marvel Benefit Issue Of Coober Skeber (I've seen it; I really don't think I need it. Seth's
Vernacular Drawing suits me just fine for his superhero renderings)
A Few Comics Not In Your Native Tongue (I have a few of these, yes...)
A Nice Stack of Jack Chick Comics (I've seen enough not to be that interested, and not just because I have a friend who is a Rabbi Waxman)
A Stack of Comics You Can Hand To Anybody's Kid39.
At Least A Few Alan Moore Comics40.
A Comic You Made Yourself41.
A Few Comics About Comics42. A Run Of
Yummy Fur43.
Some Frank Miller Comics44.
Several Lee/Ditko/Romita Amazing Spider-Man Comic Books45.
A Few Great Comics Short Stories46.
A Tijuana Bible (I've seen some; do I need to own them?)
Some Weirdo48.
An Array Of Comics In Various Non-Superhero Genres49.
An Editorial Cartoonist's Collection or Two50.
A Few Collections From New Yorker CartoonistsWhat does this tell me? (a) My tastes overlap with Tom Spurgeon's to a rather high degree. (b) I can cut back on the comics a bit, probably.
Update: Upon further reflection, I have altered the replies for items 21 and 27 from their original state.