If you want one, just click here.
They are available in lots of colors and styles. Zazzle's good for that.

I've also made a version (available in all styles) that doesn't have the text that says "Awesome Old Folklore," in case you want the awesomeness to be less explicit. The image is a little smaller on those shirts, too. (This is the "subtle" version.)

And if there are any other Satisfactory Comics images that seem to need the t-shirt treatment, please let me know. Since I've gone through the trouble of making a Zazzle store, I might as well populate it with some merchandise.
Late edit: If you'd like to see a Medieval (and much less cute) image of the same bit of ursine lore, click on over to our pal Carl's Got Medieval blog.
That makes a GREAT t-shirt!
Hey, that looks good, Isaac! To my surprise, I think I prefer the version with text.
I feel you should know that *checks notes* 15 years after seeing this as a broke graduate student, I'm buying myself this shirt to teach in.
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