Probably this poor searcher found him- or herself visiting one of Mike's old swipe file posts. (Incidentally, this is by far our most-visited page on the site. Could that have something to do with Uma in the altogether? Personally, I prefer to imagine that it's just general affection for the details of our second issue. Order it now and have it in plenty of time for Valentine's Day!)
But here's what the poor Googler probably wanted to find on our site:
Many people do not realize that Chaim Witz, otherwise known as Gene Simmons, based his "Demon" persona on an early version of Picasso's 1903 The Old Guitarist. Recent technological inspection has revealed a preoccupied woman, apparently nude, under the famous painting, but the earlier and more awesome version of the painting has been lost to the vagaries of time... until now!

(You may click to enlarge somewhat.)
It's worth noting that Simmons is unlike Picasso, in that there are some things that Pablo Picasso was never called.
"Things as they are / Are changed upon the blue guitar," indeed.
Mike, I hope you'll paste your penance below...
...uh, okay, Isaac, hyar 'tis: