Here are the fightin', thinkin' Grizzlies of Granite Hills High, of Porterville, CA, getting psyched for another round of competition at the recent Academic Decathlon competition in Sacramento:

Those are some sharp kids, with a fine sense of team style, wouldn't you say?

And what's that interesting heraldic device adorning the backs of their team colors?

Doesn't that look familiar? Yes, indeed, they're wearing an enlarged version of one of my Darwin cartoons. No kidding.

Their academic coach, Mark Harriger, found the cartoon a few weeks ago with Google. (In fact, "Darwin cartoons" is one of our most popular search terms these days.) Mark emailed me and asked whether he could use the cartoon on their shirts, and I was only too happy to provide him with a high-res (and slightly improved) version, on one condition: that he let me post a few photos of the team back here on the blog. (Thanks, Mark!)

Go Grizzlies! We salute you!
Isn't the internet awesome?
Well, I'll be damned! Nice work, Kaiser!
And how nice of them to ask before using your work (unlike the person who put one of our images uncredited on a website about hobbies...).
Go, Grizzlies, go!
This is so awesome! Yes, the internet can be a beautiful thing!
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